Guaraní People

Organization: Paraguayan Association of Guarani Women “Kuña Guaraní Aty”

Participant: Ángela Sales

Country: Paraguay

This project offered spaces for dialogue, analysis and reflection for the Guaraní Indigenous Women in Paraguay. These spaces were meant to identify common issues across the territories, to develop advocacy actions and proposals, and to formulate concrete demands for public policy. 

The proposal focused on issues of health, education, land, childhood, youth, the environment, and cultural strengthening. With the aim of addressing land ownership and rights, the project specifically addressed Paraguay’s historical processes of expelling Indigenous Communities from their territories, which have led to social exclusion and precarious living conditions. 

After 16 planning meetings held online, the program focused on three large in-person training sessions in nine departments, working with 145 Indigenous Women leaders to increase the levels of participation in public policies and decision-making spaces at the local, regional, national and international levels. The participants developed advocacy plans for future projects and secured commitments from a variety of public stakeholders to increase their support for Indigenous Women.