Isabel Flota Ayala

Institutional Communication Officer

Isabel is a Mayan Indigenous Woman from Mexico. For more than 20 years, by passion and profession, she has dedicated herself to intercultural community communication. 

She led trainings on intercultural gender communication at FIMI, FILAC-MILAC, Universidad Carlos III, UNAM, as well as for various organizations through the Fuego Ancestral collective. She participated in the founding of the Indigenous and Afro-descendant Women’s News Agency (Notimia). 

She studied communication sciences, and specialized in social communication strategies. She is a professor in Political Journalism. In 2005, she was recognized for her social and collective commitment as an Outstanding Student by the University of the Americas of Puebla and by the Government of the State of Puebla, by the Ángel Custodio. 
Isabel enjoys the summer rains. Sometimes, the wind whispers poems to her. She converses with the trees and sows every seed that falls into her hands. She loves the smell of freshly made tortillas, beans and café de olla. She listens with floating attention.