Indigenous Women of the Americas in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the context of COVID-19 pandemic, the ECMIA, through its Regional Coordinations in Mexico and in the North, Centre, and South of the Americas, has been in contact with its member organizations and has compiled the reports issued by the States and the organizations themselves, in order to get a better overview of the situation of indigenous women in the region.

The pandemic occurs in a context of generalized crisis. Beyond matters of health, the crisis is also systemic and structural, economic, migratory, sanitary as well as related to climate, food and science. In such a context, the vulnerability of indigenous women is exacerbated due to the triple discrimination we suffer from, as women, indigenous and of low economic resources. Most governments face the crisis using a biological approach to attack the virus and the physical disease. However, in the conception of health and illness of the indigenous peoples, diseases are caused not only by biological or physical factors, but also by social and spiritual ones. As such, addressing the pandemic in our communities requires a more integrative vision and approach.

Knowing this, the report emphasizes the possible threats to the rights of indigenous women, the initiatives developed by us to face the pandemic and the recommendations made by ECMIA to the States to ensure the health and well-being of our peoples.

This report seeks to take a quick tour of the Americas as a whole in order to understand, country by country, the situation of indigenous peoples, the actions taken by the different States, and the consequences these actions will have on the future of our native cultures.

Click here to read the full report (Spanish only): Informe COVID19 ECMIA

Available only in spanish