Norma Don Juan

Member of the General Assembly

Norma Don Juan is an Indigenous Nahua Woman from Mexico City. She is a dedicated leader in promoting public policies focused on gender and interculturality in Indigenous contexts. Her work focuses on sexual and reproductive health, gender and feminisms, and violence against Indigenous Women, among other issues.

Since 2009, Norma has been part of the National Coordinating Committee of Indigenous Women (CONAMI) in Mexico. From 2016 to 2019, she led the group’s commission for communication, logistics, and management. Currently, she is part of the commission for violence eradication, and is on CONAMI’s Council of Elders, which provides political guidance for the committee. In 2006, she founded the Cochitlehua Mexican Center for Exchange, A.C., which promotes social justice, multiculturalism, peace, and sustainable development.

Norma holds a degree in Human Settlement Design from the Metropolitan Autonomous University Xochimilco Unit (UAM-X). She is well known as a human rights advocate, popular educator, and social researcher.

Norma's work, rooted in her community, country, and region, also transcends borders. She has participated in and contributed to the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago, Chile, as part of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women (ECMIA) delegation. She was a member of the Civil Society Advisory Group (GASC) for the Generation Equality Forum in Mexico. Additionally, she took part in the 12th session of the United Nations’ Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.