Building Autonomies

This book by Iwgia constitutes an essential contribution in the process of legitimization in domestic and international law on the recognition and exercise of the right to self-determination of the Indigenous Peoples of the world. It also constitutes a space for analysis, dialogue, and debate between indigenous representatives and / or authorities in order to articulate visions and share experiences on the intricate path to building and practicing autonomy and self-government.

As described in the book Building autonomies, the implementation and recognition of the self-determination of Indigenous Peoples is a challenge for current States and for Indigenous Peoples themselves, and the main challenge is for this exercise to be fully recognized within the framework legal status of each State.

Most of the States, the traditional political and economic sectors, were legally and politically configured on conditions of exclusion, racism, racial discrimination, without consultation or rapprochement with Indigenous Peoples. On the other hand, the closed nature of the legislation and vision of the traditional political and economic sectors has led to various forms of imposition, the struggles of Indigenous Peoples for the defense of their lands, territories and natural assets have been criminalized. National laws were born from a unitary vision and left the multicultural, multilingual or multinational character of the countries on one side.

The book manages to capture an overview of the events and processes that Indigenous Peoples build in various parts of the world. It also shares the progress made by the States in constitutional or legislative aspects in relation to indigenous individual and collective rights. It describes situations and experiences in America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania, which shows a richness in terms of the potential of the indigenous movement in the legitimation of their right to self-determination.

Read it at the following link.

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