FIMI’s Journey: 20 Years Weaving Together

In the Mayan worldview, reaching 20 years of age is to become a Junwinak (a person), that is, to reach the first stage of maturity. FIMI has come to this milestone as a collective being born out of a global community of women leaders and visionaries. These women are committed to the transformation of an unequal world into a universe prepared for the buen vivir, or good living and well-being.

In the cycle of life, there is always before, now and after. That is why I honour all the ancestors who preceded us in the struggle of women, youth and girls. They sowed the seeds in the heart of the earth and they made them germinate and grow. For FIMI, celebrating 20 years of existence is an opportunity to invoke the sacred energies of those grandmothers that continue to guide us today from the wind, the mountains, the hilltops, the deserts, the waters, the forests and the grasslands.

FIMI has built part of the path that leads to the fulfilment of the individual and collective rights of Indigenous Women. Through this initiative, we have accompanied the individual and collective growth of leaders, recovering and giving new value to ancestral knowledge and practices, uncovering and sharing resources in the spirit of solidarity and reciprocity. These actions have been geared toward the construction of bridges so that we could walk together, allied and networked, to become the global platform for advocacy and participation in decision-making processes at the local, national and international levels. Through the Global Leadership School, the AYNI Indigenous Women’s Fund, and the research, participation and advocacy processes, we have managed to support the initiatives, stories, projects, dreams and struggles of Indigenous Women and Youth.

This journey is made possible thanks to great allies who believed in FIMI from its very first seed. Many of them have continued with us throughout these years, learning and unlearning together to build new relationships based on respect and reciprocity. With these alliances, FIMI is preparing itself for a new stage of consolidation, with greater institutional strengths based on its own systems in various areas, including: administrative, financial, monitoring, communication, resource management and governance. In addition, this new stage comes with growth in our capacity to network, present proposals and lead. Our wish is to continue being a space of global convergence with solid foundations, working together with our sisters from the different regions of the world.

Many paths still have to be walked in order for us to transform our economic, social, political and cultural realities. Yet we remain standing, despite the lack of recognition from many sectors. We reaffirm ourselves as agents of change and we remain committed to a fulfilling life for everyone.

In conclusion, I want to express my gratitude for each of the older sisters who have germinated the seed of what FIMI is today. They received the light of the universe and shared their ideas, work, dreams and commitment. I value the contribution of every person who has ever worked with FIMI’s team, especially the team that accompanies me through this stage. I have seen your dedication and deep commitment to the struggles of Indigenous Women.

Being part of this historical moment, the 20th anniversary, fills my Kux (my essence) with joy, hope and a sense of responsibility, because this is a valuable opportunity to contribute and grow within FIMI’s great web of life.

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