Chamoru People

Organization: Guåhan Coalition for Peace and Justice

Participant: Julia Faye Munoz

Country: Guam

This project contributed to the training and strengthening of two women’s organizations in the Pacific. Both work to enhance the collective well-being and prosperity of the Chamoru Indigenous People on Guam. 

The first of the two organizations, IHFG, focuses on building coalitions, raising funds to provide scholarship opportunities for Chamoru Women and Girls in need, and planning and organizing women-focused community events and educational workshops to share the ancestral knowledge of the Chamoru. For example, the organization held a community event at the University of Guam that included a panel presentation on the challenges facing the Chamoru community, as well as stories of hope and solutions shared by the founding members of the second organization, PIWN. 

PIWN focuses primarily on promoting networking efforts and collaboration among alliances of Indigenous Women. During the project, it led the call for a preparatory meeting of Indigenous Women in Guam ahead of a global conference of Indigenous Women that was planned for 2020.