Own Library
Producing and transmitting knowledge from an intercultural perspective are fundamental tasks for the members of FIMI. We investigate, discuss and reflect on each issue concerning us. Because knowledge allows us Indigenous Women to influence our own realities.
To that end, we open our library to the public. It includes collections of ancestral knowledge and research, as well as manuals and reports that speak of the challenges faced by Indigenous Women and the creative solutions we bring.


Knowledge Dialogues on Violence against Indigenous Women: Methodological Approaches to Intercultural Research

Reports and Studies

MID-TERM REVIEW – LFS – FIMI External evaluation covering the period: January 2021-June 2023

Líderes e Guardiões: Análise Global de Financiamento para Mulheres Indígenas

Contributions to cross-cultural research from Indigenous women’s perspectives: Methodologies, challenges, and lessons learned

Stories of change
